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3 quotes to a positive life!

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Hi there!
I've always been a girl who lives by quotes. They're important in difficult life situations, but also in everyday life. That's why I wanted to share my three most important quotes regarding a positive life. I'm not always the most positive person, but I try to live by positivity. And those quotes help me with it.

So without further a do, here we go, enjoy and be inspired! 

1. "People inspire you, or they drain you - pick them wisely." ~ Hans F. Hansen

In life, I've learned that it's majorly importent to be surrounded by positive people in order to have a positive life. More important is to try to avoid negative people. Their aura pulls you into negativity, it's weird that on person can influence your mood without you even wanting it. But it happens, and i can tell by experience that it can happen very easily and quickly.

Caution: I'm not saying that you have to drop that one friend with problems in her/his life. By negative people, I mean people who don't have any problems but will make a problem out of anything. People that never will be satisfied, no matter what. 

2. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Try to make the best out of anything! Life can bring you crap on the most incovenient moments. However, things will happen the way they are supposed to be. So instead of making a fuss about it, try to make the best out of it! 

An example: When you get (literally) lost and are in the middle of nowhere, enjoy the view you'd otherwise never would have seen. 

You can't change things in life, but you can change your mind-set. Do that, in a positive way. And trust me, things will turn out positive :)

3. "Enjoy the little things"

It's a simple quote, but according to me it's the most important one. Just relax and enjoy the little things. Try to notice the little positivities in life (do that every day). It could be your winged eye that worked out perfectly, being on time for once, having time to cook dinner properly, the flowers in your garden, ... Appreciate those things and you'll feel much more happy in life. 

Hope you liked the quotes and got a bit inspired. What are your favorite quotes? Let us know in the comments! - Amal 

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